Pay as you go K8s Clusters!

Cloider is the only cloud platform that provides a true Pay as you go K8s clusters!, You only pay for the computing resources you use in the k8s cluster like CPU, Memory and Storage. You can think of cloider cluster as a Serverless K8s cluster, Which means that you shouldn't care about cluster architecture, node size, node scaling, security and only focus on your k8s workloads. This is perfect for small projects, startups, training and demo purposes, cronjobs, CI/CD runners, nightly build clusters, disposable clusters, Dev, Testing, Staging environments and even with production workloads it's super reliable.

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About Us

Reinvinting the cloud for your scalable dream project

Cloider revolutionizes the entire cloud industry by providing the simplest cloud experience, affordable prices, while maintaing the high quality standards and transparency, so you can have a better chance building your scalable dream project without costing an arm and a leg. The real genius behind cloider is that there are no trade-offs whatsoever in using it.

Our key differentiators

True pay as you go
When it comes to cost reduction, cloider really shines with the best affordable prices. In the pay-as-you-go plan, you only pay for the computing resources you use, nothing more!
No vendor lock-in
You'll be using the popular standard opensource services such as Kubernetes so if you don't like the service, you can simply migrate all your data and config. No egress fees applied!.
The simplest cloud user experience
The best thing about Cloider is that it doesn't require a DevOps expert to use. You're one click away from doing pretty much anything!

The cost varies based on the resource utilization

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